Friday, July 21, 2017

Day Twelve-Coeur D'Alene Casino and Mouse Trapping

July 20, 2017-Day twelve

We went to the Coeur D’Alene Wellness Center to shower up this morning. What a beautiful facility. While I waited for the showers, Diana, Jaynelle, and I sat in the sauna. We both explained to Diana the similarities between the sauna and a sweat. I like that Diana is interested in learning about our culture. When I got all finished, I treated myself to a coffee. It was good. I was read some bible verses from Alexis. I’m thankful she did that, I felt it was God telling me something I needed to hear. Thank you, God, thank you Alexis. Jessica said we were coming back to the wellness tonight to blog. I asked her if we were going to get an opportunity to work out, and she said only if our blogs are caught up. Here I am multi-tasking eating my lunch and keeping on top of my daily blog so I can work out tonight. When you have goals, you need to have a plan, take proactive action and execute.
We went for a ride to the Coeur D’Alene Casino where we met and listened to Quanah Matheson and his father Dave Matheson. Quanah spoke about how in science relative is a term that is used often, but also in our culture it is used to say we are all relative to one another, plants, animals, earth, water, and we need to show respect to the animals, for they sacrifice themselves so we can live. He asked us if we knew what the bottom line is, what is it? The bottom line 400 years ago was balance, today the bottom line is money. With money as the bottom line today, do we have balance? No, we don’t. But in our own little way, we should try to take care of Mother Earth. She is called our Mother because she takes care of us, like a Mother.
Dave Matheson said Native people are stewards of the earth. We need to take care and protect what is provided by the earth. What are problems to the environment? Apathy, greed, and self-indulgence. How do we fix this problem? That is an answer all people must think about and come together to discuss and enact solutions. He said his part in taking care of the environment is eating all natural foods such as, deer, elk, wild game, roots, berries, and water. No added preservatives, antibiotics, steroids, cross cultured foods, or gmo foods. He also spoke about how the earth is crying, by the fires that are rampant, flooding, earthquakes, and ice caps melting. We need to be the people to help change the environment for the better for our future generations, to not be selfish, but to look past what is in front of us and see for the future.
I am officially burnt out. In my hurry to get going, all I brought were my hiking boots and I forgot my tennis shoes. So, I am unable to work out today. L
We got back to camp and Pedro gathered us all together and we began to make traps to catch mice. The materials he gave us were a five-gallon bucket, 16-gauge wire, pvc pipe, and peanut butter. We assembled the materials make a make shift bridge with the wire and the pvc pipe with a bit of peanut butter in the middle.  Diana and I gathered sticks, weaved them together with pine branches to make a way for the mice to climb onto the bucket in hopes they would fall in. Once everyone had their buckets assembled to their liking, Pedro took us up the hill to set them up. Because there were six groups, there were two teams a piece for the lower elevation, middle elevation, and a top elevation. Diana and I picked the middle elevation, since we missed out on the lower elevation. We had to level out the ground to set the bucket down, set up our sticks for the mice to climb on, and covered the outer part of the bucket to camouflage it from passerby’s.

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